Humagne Rouge du Valais Cave Producteurs Valais Red wine ● Canton du Valais

2010 75cl

2 bottles remaining

Photo for illustration purposes only. Vintage sold: 2010
Humagne rouge du Valais - Cave Producteurs Valais - 2010 - Rouge
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In a few words ...

The wine Humagne rouge du Valais is a Red wine produced in the Canton du Valais region in Switzerland, by Cave Producteurs Valais. This 2010 vintage comes from the Canton du Valais appellation. It is sold on TWIL at €54.00 per bottle of 75cl, from the minimum of 1 bottle(s). Its producer, Cave Producteurs Valais, produces 2 wine(s) available for purchase.

Product details







Grape varieties Humagne

Terroir -

Culture type








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Cave Producteurs Valais

Cave Producteurs Valais is a domain from the region Canton du Valais in Suisse, that produces 1 wines available to purchase, including the wine Humagne rouge du Valais 2010.

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