Vallée du Rhône

Famille De Boel-France

(5 customer reviews)
Nelly FRANCE and Arnaud DE BOEL are newcomers to the Rhône Valley. Although they had been working for local estates since 2011, they finally decided to set up their own domaine in 2016, even though they weren't lucky enough to inherit a vineyard. As such, they had to create everything from scratc... Find out more
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The winemaker

Nelly FRANCE and Arnaud DE BOEL are newcomers to the Rhône Valley. Although they had been working for local estates since 2011, they finally decided to set up their own domaine in 2016, even though they weren't lucky enough to inherit a vineyard. As such, they had to create everything from scratch, involving major challenges such as planting vines and the patience required to wait for them to mature. Fortunately, they managed to find parcels of old vines to help them in their winegrowing adventure. Over the years, Nelly and Arnaud have also established a family with their children Augustin and Margot De Boel-France. Their estate is located in Lemps, in the northern Rhône, between Lyon and Avignon. They own vineyards in several renowned wine regions such as Saint Joseph, Cornas, Collines Rhodaniennes, Côtes du Rhône Villages Massif d'Uchaux, Sainte Cécile, as well as in Côtes du Rhône.
Registered since 18/05/2020
1510 Chemin de Monerone ,
07610 Lemps
4 wines available
between 14.2 € and 22 €
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