Vallée du Rhône

Domaine de Gouye

(1 customer reviews)
Philippe is the respect for tradition with which he makes his wine. Away from all the latest innovations in the field of viticulture, he simply a tying straw rye, handpicking, of treading and uses a push over 140 years, the ground work horse . Find out more
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The winemaker

Philippe is the respect for tradition with which he makes his wine. Away from all the latest innovations in the field of viticulture, he simply a tying straw rye, handpicking, of treading and uses a push over 140 years, the ground work horse .
Registered since 08/07/2015
1085 Chemin Gouye ,
07300 Saint-Jean-de-Muzols
2 wines available
between 32.64 € and 37.16 €
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