
Clos d’Alzeto

(2 customer reviews)
Clos d'Alzeto is located in the commune of Sari d'Orcino, a village perched high on the slopes of the Cinarca Valley north of Ajaccio. The estate was created in 1800 as a result of an inheritance, and is run by the Albertini family from father to son. It is considered one of the oldest estates in... Find out more

The winemaker

Clos d'Alzeto is located in the commune of Sari d'Orcino, a village perched high on the slopes of the Cinarca Valley north of Ajaccio. The estate was created in 1800 as a result of an inheritance, and is run by the Albertini family from father to son. It is considered one of the oldest estates in Corsica.
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