
Champagne Cottanceau-Prignitz

Located in the Côte des Bar region, our vineyards are planted in two parallel valleys in the communes of Bar-sur-Aube and Proverville. The main grape variety is Pinot Noir, reflecting our terroir and the clay-limestone soils that give it its distinctive character. The other two grape varieties a... Find out more
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The winemaker

Located in the Côte des Bar region, our vineyards are planted in two parallel valleys in the communes of Bar-sur-Aube and Proverville. The main grape variety is Pinot Noir, reflecting our terroir and the clay-limestone soils that give it its distinctive character. The other two grape varieties are Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay, essential to the creation of quality blends. In line with our concern for environmental practices and issues, in 2019 we obtained the dual certification of HVE "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value) level 3 and VDC "Viticulture Durable en Champagne" (Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne). Three generations of winegrowers have succeeded one another. At the end of the 60s, Rosa PRIGNITZ undertook the creation of the family plot. Subsequently, Werner and Evelyne PRIGNITZ continued this work and developed it into the 2000s. Their daughter Mélanie and her husband Arnaud created the Champagne COTTANCEAU-PRIGNITZ brand, developing the winemaking activity by creating a winery in the village. From vine to bottle, from past to future, our greatest satisfaction is to share our emotions.
Registered since 17/07/2024
34 Grande Rue ,
10200 Proverville
7 wines available
between 22.5 € and 30.5 €
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