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CavagogoEstimated delivery between 20 and Nov 22,
Beaune wines offer 2 different types of wine, with intense wines to the north of the appellation and rounder, more supple wines to the south.
Beaune wines are generous and full-bodied, ideal for ageing, full-bodied and spirited.
The 2011 vines were exceptionally precocious. Temperatures were very high in early April. Flowering took place around mid-May, 3 weeks ahead of schedule. The promising vintage was delayed by rain and low temperatures in July. Diseases appeared in August. But the warm weather returned after August 15 to allow a fine harvest.
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Raoul Clerget
Raoul Clerget is a domain from the region Bourgogne in France, that produces 1 wines available to purchase, including the wine Beaune 2011.