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Vignobles ChatonnetEstimated delivery between 21 and Jan 23,
After a fairly mild spring, the 2015 vintage was already shaping up a superb vintage. The year was the warmest warmest and sunniest on our territory since meteorological since meteorological statistics began. Sunnier than 1947 or 1921. Fortunately, abundant winter rainfall created sufficient reserves to prevent the vines from suffering too much during a very hot summer the hottest in history. The rains sunshine in September. All grape varieties were able to reach a very high natural sugar content and, above all, optimal ripeness. Perfect health, balanced pH levels balanced pH levels and ideally ripe skins. 2015 an exceptional vintage.
Garnet-red with purple highlights.
Aromatique, expressif, arômes de rose, arômes de fraise, arômes de fruits à noyau, arômes de fruits noirs.
Wine Fruity | Gourmand
On the palate, the wine is supple with fine tannins. The finish is persistent and aromatic.
Wine Fruité | Rond | Souple
Grape varieties Cabernet-franc, Merlot
Terroir Terroir silico-argileux et gravelo-sablo-argileux (majeure partie) sur le plateau de Chevrol de la commune de Néac situé à proximité de Grand Ormeau et des Cruzelles sur Lalande de Pomerol.
Culture type
Reasoned agriculture
30 min.
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Vignobles Chatonnet
Vignobles Chatonnet is a domain from the region Bordeaux in France, that produces 9 wines available to purchase, including the wine Château La Croix Chaigneau 2021.